Music 2.0 Resources Aplenty

For a while I had this nice little fantasy that I’d spend part of this year exploring and blogging about all the cool “Music 2.0″ applications that are out there. Ha! ha! ha! What I didn’t realize was how many there were going to be. The last few months have seen an extraordinary explosion in the number of music-based social networking sites, music streaming applications, music widgets, you name it. I can’t keep up.

But fortunately, others can! So let me point your way to a few excellent resources that people have developed recently.

First is Jadam Kahn (aka Rocketsurgeon)’s Music 2.0 Directory, an ambitious attempt to catalogue and summarize the amazing range of Music 2.0 apps popping up every day.

Me*dia*or is a “river style feed aggregator of music and technology related blogs” overseen by Jason Herskowitz that can also be found in Ning-social-network form here.
There are also related new Music 2.0 groups on Facebook and

None of these is heavy on social analysis, they tend to focus on describing the technologies and what they do, but they are great starting points for anyone interested in getting a deeper understanding of what is out there and how it can be used.

Comments (1) to “Music 2.0 Resources Aplenty”

  1. Mashable also posted a list of music sites numbering more than 90 recently that may be of interest to your readers.

    Just discovered your blog recently but it is now a regular read. Cheers