Call to Musicians
In September I had the pleasure of being a faculty mentor for the Association of Internet Researchers’ doctoral colloquium, where Ph.D. students presented their dissertations in progress and got feedback from faculty and fellow students. One of the fellows in my session, Hugh Brown of the Queensland University of Technology (in Australia), is studying the different ways that musicians are using the internet and with what effects. As he puts it: “The project’s purpose is to investigate the factors affecting independent musicians’ access to music markets and, focusing particularly on New Media aspects, to figure out how to make it easier for independent musicians to build a music business.” It’s an action research project, meaning that all of the data he collects and analyzes he’ll give back in the form of recommendations for what works in which ways.
Hugh now has a survey online and is looking for musicians willing to complete it. He estimates it will take about 15 minutes. It’s a worthwhile project — he’s really trying to figure out ways to guide independent musicians — so if you’ve got the time, please fill it out. And if you’re working with or know other musicians, please pass the word along to them.
You can find the survey here.